Thursday, 1 March 2018

Recognize your feelings during the tough times!

Hi dear friends,
Welcome to my blog!!

In this post, I would like to discuss the importance of recognising your specific emotional challenges and ways to overcome them. You may have experienced a rush of unpleasant emotions during those difficult times in your life. These emotions if left unattended for a long time, could lead to some serious, mental health issues. So please don't ignore them. People all around world have developed  coping techniques like, prayer, meditation, yoga, aroma therapy and more to nip it in the bud. However, in our hectic world today no one has the time for unhappy emotions, we keep racing on from one thing to another, supressing all that is inconvenient at that moment. We smile.  However, the real solution is to fully grasp that  we humans are not just intellectual and physical beings, a greater part of us is emotional and spiritual. No doubt, it will take time and effort, so the sooner you start the process the better. As was said by Titus Livius (Rome-27BC), it's  "Better late than never".

 Listed below are the ones experienced most often:
1. Anger
2. Fear
3. Guilt
4. Shame
5. Helplessness
6. Indifference
7. Boredom
8. Dissatisfaction
9. Irritability
10. Insecurity
11. Over Sensitivity
12. Indecision
14.. Confusion
15. Worry
Almost everyone has felt these emotions, at some point in their life. It is easier to either deny or drown in the powerful pull of this downward spiral and lose your sense of self, than it is to push yourself against it. Sometimes it is necessary to take the time to absorb all that is going on. In fact, it is healthier to acknowledge and feel all the anger and despair, for as long as you need to, for clarity. Remember, just don't let it defeat you. Get up, look around, life goes on!!

My attempt is to create an awareness of these emotional challenges and give you tips on how to cope with your situation. To be at peace with the choices given to you by the labyrinth of life.
In my next post, I will give you simple steps to identify these emotions and the tools to handle them.

I do hope you liked the post.

Please let me know if you found this post helpful in any way and leave your comments below.

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