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In my previous post I have given you a glimpse of what Emotional Intelligence is all about. Emotional Intelligence is not just about the development of an individual, if used correctly it can help solve even the biggest problems in our society. In order to solve problems that are existing in society and in the world around us, we need to identify these problems. Some of the biggest problems that face us today are:
1. Increase in school and college dropouts: The attention span of youngsters has become really short these days. They keep flipping channels, and are constantly distracted by social media and many other more exciting things happening around them. Unlike in the past, where we had peace and calm to focus on intellectual pursuits, today there is so much online distraction, that sitting and reading or studying something serious is comparatively boring. So, how does emotional intelligence help one in succeeding in getting through the education system? Self regulation, as a tool needs to be applied to achieve academic goals. Assuming that most people have an average IQ, developing EQ will help them find out where the resistance is coming from, and then regulate it, and use the self motivation tool, to focus on continuing their education and scoring well.
2. Drug abuse: Stress and peer pressure misleads teenagers and youth to go on the wrong path. Sometimes, a dysfunctional family can lead teenagers to turn to drugs in order to escape from their misery. It is as the idiom goes, "Jumping out of the frying pan into the fire". In these situations "Prevention is always better than the cure". We have also seen examples, where someone from very difficult situations, does very well, whereas, another person who may have had a relatively comfortable life, may get caught up in substance abuse. The ability of that person, who has faced a hard life, to stay afloat and rise higher is mostly because of higher EQ(Emotional Quotient). Emotional Intelligence training could help pull the person out of substance abuse, by getting him/her acquainted with their core emotions, and how to use develop skills to deal with painful times in their lives.
3. Non verbal communication problems: Social media, has taken over face to face communication and personal interaction. No wonder then, that non verbal communication issues are bound to arise, youth and adults alike, are forgetting that emotions are to be potrayed by facial expressions because of how we feel and what we think, and not only through emojis. These issues can very easily be resolved with emotional intelligence tools. There is a close co relation between emotions and behaviour. Behaviour, a major part of which, is expressed non verbally, usually reveals a person's inner emotions and thoughts. So, if we are self aware and learn to self regulate our emotions, we will be able to solve issues arising due to body language, nonverbal communication and/or behavioural flaws.
4. Lack of employment opportunities: Is it possible to deal with joblessness with EI? It is possible to deal with the frustration that comes with not getting a suitable job, with EI tools. In fact, when you become aware of your emotions, and how you respond to them, then you would surely know your strengths and weaknesses. Once you identify that, then there would be nothing stopping you from pursuing you areas of strengths. Develop your special or peculiar skill and grow it. Create a job for yourself and for others. It is an opportunity that exists today because of social media, so if you have the courage to explore new avenues then you can try to build an online business.
5. Family problems: There are many dysfunctional families, where emotions are either out of control or totally absent. However, most families are in between these two extreme phases. There are times when, family members go out of control, and yell and scream and say things that they may regret later, and yet at other times they maintain a stony icy silence and torture their loved ones by being emotionally unavailable. Emotional Intelligence training can restore some peace and harmony into most families. Being aware of emotions, how we react to them, and when do we want to avoid them, helps in a more balanced response. If we honestly answer these questions, we will be able to get an insight into the other persons emotions as well, and not blow things out of proportion.
6. Materialistic world: We thought that the 80's was the materialistic generation, when Madonna sang the song "material girl", we have come a long way since then. Now, it is a matter of pride to say that we are materialistic. Even parents these days compare their children, and show favoritism towards those who are doing financially well and ridicule those who are struggling or are not doing well off financially. Family, peers, friends, relatives everyone outcasts you or gives you advise on how to improve your financial standing, not realising that material possessions are the last thing that will add any real meaning to life. So, a person with low EQ, might get really depressed and could either find fast ways to earn money or then feel hopeless and give up and withdraw. Instead, by developing emotional intelligence they could see through the emptiness of accumulating too many material possessions. They should rather focus on enriching their lives with love, respect, talent and surround themselves with near and dear ones, who really care and appreciate them, for what they are worth as human beings and not as human doings.
7. Few affordable housing options for the common man: Everyone wants to own a house the moment they start working. Our parents took almost half their lifetime to own a home or a car etc. So, this mad rush to be on top the game forces young people to take bigger loans than they can afford to pay and then when they become unstable in their jobs, they panic and want to end their lives, because they cannot face their families and friends and the society who thought that they were doing great and are well settled. It is the lack of EQ that causes this type of response, to losing a home or valuable assets. An emotionally intelligent person would use self regulation to first clear this mind from the confusing emotions, and then allow reason to take over. It is common sense, for all those watching from outside, that owning a house is not the same as having a home. For e.g. someone may have a big bungalow but no family or friends to share their joys and sorrows with, however a person living in a small, 1 bedroom apartment on rent may have a home sweet home, filled with loving relationships. Emotional intelligence allows you to see things for their utility value, and not as a possessions for boosting ones ego and self image.
8. Typecasting people as per majority opinion: Most people want to fit in. Nowadays, aggression is considered as confidence, where as, politeness, kindness is thought of as being weak, being generous is taken to be stupid. All the virtues that were once valued are now devalued. If a person doesn't fit into the mass opinion then they are negatively judged, they have to hear, comments like, you are too modest, too quiet, too gentle, too merciful and finally therefore you are too boring..etc..as if these are bad qualities, they are said with so much disdain that the persons who have these qualities actually start doubting themselves. People are not accepted for what they are these days, most are wearing masks and most people love those people wearing masks even though they know that they are wearing masks. And they attack those who are quietly and sincerely living their lives without any drama, as being uninteresting and dull. Emotional Intelligence helps in creating self awareness, and thereby promotes being aware of ones own feelings and so, to able to see the emotions of others as well. Once people understand themselves and others there is no judgement, there will only be acceptance and appreciating those who are different from you.
9. Round the clock social networking: In spite of doctors advising that kids should not spend more that 2 hours a day watching television or on social networking sites, yet there are kids and adults alike spending hours and hours on social networking sites, there are so many sites, and they are accessible 24 hours a day. New updates posts keep showing up and in order to be up to date with all interaction happening, people are online as much as possible. Their desire to collect as many likes as possible, followers, friends on social media force people to be online for almost 24 hours. In this case, having a high EQ will help tackle these false compulsions by helping understand the need to be online, the reason for succumbing to the pressure and how to regulate these conflicting emotions and set a fixed number of hours to spend on social media.
10. Avoiding crime and transforming criminals: Social media has its pros and cons. It has helped people all over world to connect with each other but at the same time the anonymity, allows crimes to happen and go unnoticed. Cyber cell is not yet equipped enough to handle the growing cases of cyber crime. Social skills are essential while dealing with social media, all the precautions we take while out in the real world are the same precautions we need to take when we are on social media. For instance,
1. Don't talk to strangers,without adequate security options in place.
2. Even if you interact on social media do not reveal your personal information.
3. Don't agree to meet someone for the first time in a secluded place, inform your friends and family that you are going to meet that person and where.
These are some of the things, a person with a high EQ would naturally think of and do. Crime can also be reduced or prevented by giving EQ training to criminals and helping them understand why they are behaving the way they are, and thereby facilitating change in their emotions and behaviour for the better. There are however, some psychopaths and emotionally damaged people, who cannot be transformed. It is sad, that they did not have access to EI tools before they turned into hardened criminals.
11. Problems faced by organisations:
With that I end my article for today.
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Thanks for taking the time to read. Till we meet in my next post bye and take care!
Welcome to my blog!
In my previous post I have given you a glimpse of what Emotional Intelligence is all about. Emotional Intelligence is not just about the development of an individual, if used correctly it can help solve even the biggest problems in our society. In order to solve problems that are existing in society and in the world around us, we need to identify these problems. Some of the biggest problems that face us today are:
1. Increase in school and college dropouts: The attention span of youngsters has become really short these days. They keep flipping channels, and are constantly distracted by social media and many other more exciting things happening around them. Unlike in the past, where we had peace and calm to focus on intellectual pursuits, today there is so much online distraction, that sitting and reading or studying something serious is comparatively boring. So, how does emotional intelligence help one in succeeding in getting through the education system? Self regulation, as a tool needs to be applied to achieve academic goals. Assuming that most people have an average IQ, developing EQ will help them find out where the resistance is coming from, and then regulate it, and use the self motivation tool, to focus on continuing their education and scoring well.

4. Lack of employment opportunities: Is it possible to deal with joblessness with EI? It is possible to deal with the frustration that comes with not getting a suitable job, with EI tools. In fact, when you become aware of your emotions, and how you respond to them, then you would surely know your strengths and weaknesses. Once you identify that, then there would be nothing stopping you from pursuing you areas of strengths. Develop your special or peculiar skill and grow it. Create a job for yourself and for others. It is an opportunity that exists today because of social media, so if you have the courage to explore new avenues then you can try to build an online business.

7. Few affordable housing options for the common man: Everyone wants to own a house the moment they start working. Our parents took almost half their lifetime to own a home or a car etc. So, this mad rush to be on top the game forces young people to take bigger loans than they can afford to pay and then when they become unstable in their jobs, they panic and want to end their lives, because they cannot face their families and friends and the society who thought that they were doing great and are well settled. It is the lack of EQ that causes this type of response, to losing a home or valuable assets. An emotionally intelligent person would use self regulation to first clear this mind from the confusing emotions, and then allow reason to take over. It is common sense, for all those watching from outside, that owning a house is not the same as having a home. For e.g. someone may have a big bungalow but no family or friends to share their joys and sorrows with, however a person living in a small, 1 bedroom apartment on rent may have a home sweet home, filled with loving relationships. Emotional intelligence allows you to see things for their utility value, and not as a possessions for boosting ones ego and self image.
8. Typecasting people as per majority opinion: Most people want to fit in. Nowadays, aggression is considered as confidence, where as, politeness, kindness is thought of as being weak, being generous is taken to be stupid. All the virtues that were once valued are now devalued. If a person doesn't fit into the mass opinion then they are negatively judged, they have to hear, comments like, you are too modest, too quiet, too gentle, too merciful and finally therefore you are too boring..etc..as if these are bad qualities, they are said with so much disdain that the persons who have these qualities actually start doubting themselves. People are not accepted for what they are these days, most are wearing masks and most people love those people wearing masks even though they know that they are wearing masks. And they attack those who are quietly and sincerely living their lives without any drama, as being uninteresting and dull. Emotional Intelligence helps in creating self awareness, and thereby promotes being aware of ones own feelings and so, to able to see the emotions of others as well. Once people understand themselves and others there is no judgement, there will only be acceptance and appreciating those who are different from you.

1. Don't talk to strangers,without adequate security options in place.
2. Even if you interact on social media do not reveal your personal information.
3. Don't agree to meet someone for the first time in a secluded place, inform your friends and family that you are going to meet that person and where.
These are some of the things, a person with a high EQ would naturally think of and do. Crime can also be reduced or prevented by giving EQ training to criminals and helping them understand why they are behaving the way they are, and thereby facilitating change in their emotions and behaviour for the better. There are however, some psychopaths and emotionally damaged people, who cannot be transformed. It is sad, that they did not have access to EI tools before they turned into hardened criminals.
11. Problems faced by organisations:
- Every organisation needs to be ethical in conducting their business and dealing with their employees and customers. EI is the tool that can help develop ethical behaviour, by working on self awareness, self regulation and empathy. Without Emotional Intelligence, ethics can only be a distant dream.
- Organisations have so much to choose from these days, people, ideas, information etc. Individuals and organisations have to be emotionally very intelligent to leverage opportunities that come with unlimited choice and off set the set backs that come with it.
- Ever since globalisation happened, the whole world has opened up as a market, so along with millions of customers in the virtual marketplace, there are also millions of products. Therefore, a balance needs to be maintained while planning a marketing strategy, it is essential to have patience, to know that it takes time to build trust with customers, especially online. Trust and patience are skills that can be learnt by EI training.
- Emotions run high when one is faced with a problem, it is at that time that self regulation of emotions will help in understanding the problem in its entirety. Self motivation will enable a level headed decision about how much risk can be afforded and allowed.
- EI is very useful in getting the right manpower for the organisation. There are many tools to measure EQ of a person and also tools to develop these skills and to increase their EQ. As proved time and again a person with a high EQ can perform much better, when it comes to higher levels of management and dealing with employees, teams, competitors,top management and collaborators.
In conclusion, the above mentioned problems are some of the biggest problems facing our society today, which can be solved by Emotional Intelligence.
With that I end my article for today.
Hope you found it useful. If you did then..
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Thanks for taking the time to read. Till we meet in my next post bye and take care!
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