Thursday 14 June 2018

Are you an Ambivert? The Balancing Act- Challenges and Tips!

Hi dear friends!
Welcome to my blog!

Have you ever wondered if you are an introvert or and extrovert? Well, guess what, you may be both, you could be an Ambivert. So, lets talk about Ambiverts today. Ambiverts have always existed, but not recognised as such. These people can adjust to almost any type of situation. 

"Ambiverts are part time, party loving, talkative, intuitive, bookworms.".

Are you an Ambivert? The Balancing Act- Challenges and Tips.

Let's look the challenges, you dear Ambiverts deal with:1. When you ask yourself if you are an introvert or an extrovert/extravert, you get no answer, because you are neither you are an Ambivert.

2. You are often misunderstood as either being, "people pleasers" or "self centered"

3. You find it difficult to stick to one career or role, get bored easily.

4. You are perceived as being "unreliable" and "moody"

5. You can switch between, introvert behaviour and extrovert behaviour in seconds, without even realising. This is a good thing however most people are unable to cope with your changing behaviour. 

Ambivert- Yellow

Extrovert- Red

Introvert- Green.

Can these cause problems in your personal and professional life? 

Yes, they can....lets see how..

1. When you are asked about your view or opinion about something very simple, you don’t know how to respond. So, you may say something that doesn't not suit the occasion, or else say "I don't know", both responses will not go down well with your workplace colleagues or bosses or sometimes even with your near and dear ones. 

2. Since its your nature to be passive or quiet, in a group. when people are talking, and speak if the group is a quieter one, or join in, when something of interest to you, crops up, you are misunderstood as being a "people pleaser" or on the other end "self centered". 

3. If you are in a job that involves interacting with people all the time, it may tire you out, and after a while you may even quit. But very soon you would regret your decision, not because you need the money, but because you start feeling lonely.

4. You love being alone sometimes, and love being with people at other times. You may therefore, have to cancel certain activities, because they may not align with your current frame of mind or energy level. This can happen quite often, and lead to, you being labelled as "Unreliable" or "Moody".

5.Some people see you as an introvert some see you as an extrovert. You can manage both roles very naturally, but for a short time. Either one is you....both are you. So, you may seem “abrupt” and seem to be "changing colors" according to your observers.

Is there way to iron out these challenges? are some tips to help you balance your opposite traits....

Let's begin...

1. Be Sure: You can start by being sure of where you stand in the introversion extraversion/extroversion spectrum. There are many resources online and great books that can help you understand the nuances of your behavioural style. Simple rule: If you relate to both your introvert and extrovert friends, then most probably you are an Ambivert. So, no more confusion from now on. Ambiverts form almost 30 percent of the population.

2.  Be aware: You naturally tend to vibe well with both, and so people may not understand you. It is your strength, not a weakness. Since you get along with introverts, and extroverts, so well and understand their problems and plus points, people observing you tend to assume that you do not have any opinion of your own. So, do say something thought provoking every now and then. 

3. Choose wisely: You need to choose careers which have a mix of quiet time, and people time so that you don't get exhausted with overload of one energy type, and lack of another.  

4. Communicate: Now that you understand, where you stand, with regards to your behavioural style, you would need to communicate it, to your friends and near and dear ones, so that they, don't feel that, you don't care about their feelings. Or that, you are using them, by constantly changing your mind, and behaviour. 

5. Balancing act: You can switch so effortlessly, between introvert and extrovert behaviour, you may be pressured, by the people, you live with interact or work with, to keep up with the type of behaviour they identify with. You don't have to feel incapable or less than, if you are too exhausted being one, or the other, just politely excuse yourself. Explain to them, if they do understand that would be great, if not, then you have to do what you need to, to keep yourself intact. 

 Psychologist, Hans Eysneck, coined the term "Ambiverts" in 1947, he says you dear Ambiverts are flexible, emotionally balanced, influential and intuitive. 

Ambiverts like, Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Meryl Streep, are sometimes also considered either a introverts or extroverts since they exhibit both traits.

So, now....

 To conclude, Balancing your opposite traits can be very challenging. Apply the tips above to  use your strengths better, and help others understand you.

With that I come to the end of today's article I do hope you guys enjoyed it. 

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Take care and bye till my next post!

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