Wednesday, 12 September 2018

SE1: Are you Insecure? Here are some ways you can deal with it!

Hi dear friends,

Let's look at a feeling that we feel very often but push aside. This feeling is Insecurity.

Insecurity begins very slowly and stealthily with small things, like your inability to complete a given task. It can even be bigger things, like, being less educated, less wealthy, less sociable, less good-looking, less fit, and so on. These are things that start nagging us and create insecurity. There is a feeling that you are being compared to someone or some standard that you have set for yourself or imagine that someone has set for you.

How does insecurity manifest itself?

Well, it starts with a lack of self-confidence and anxiety about oneself.

Behavior is similar to fear but directed towards others, putting others down, ridiculing the efforts of others who seem happier than them, only to prove that others are worse off than them.

It is therefore important to deal with it and nip it in the bud.  Since insecurity stems from a lack of self-confidence, it leads to resenting your fellow humans and finally isolating yourself by either trying to overcompensate or keeping a very low profile.

How can you overcome Insecurity?

Here are a few steps to help you deal with this unpleasant feeling:

1. When you meet someone who seems to be “better” than you, remember they didn’t get there, automatically.

2. If you want what they have, you should be willing to do whatever it is they did, to get there.

3. Remember we are all not supposed to do the same things, nor are we supposed to compare ourselves to another person. Each one of us has unique gifts and we need to find out what it is.

4. Once you have discovered your talents and special gifts, you will not have time to compare yourself to others. You will feel calm and happy for all those who have achieved great things in life.

5. Don’t try to do what someone else is doing, do what gives you that unlimited enthusiasm and zest in life.

6. Remember you are not perfect and neither is anyone else, if you are passionate about something, you need to develop the skills to enable you to pursue your passion. Then it won't matter who is better or worse, you will be excellent in whatever you have chosen to do!

These steps should help you overcome the feeling of insecurity. Though it seems so harmless, insecurity has been the cause of great crimes in the moment of human weakness. It is always good to be aware of this and work on it. If left unattended it will grow into a feeling of over-sensitivity. I will cover Over Sensitivity in my next post.

Till then bye and take care!

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